Sukkot is a fall harvest festival. It is a time for family and CHJ friends to hang out under the sukkah. Children and adults bring harvest items to build and decorate the sukkah. A list of suggested items include: Gourds, Apples, Vines, Mums, Corn Husks, Hand-made Crafts. It is a joyous family event, especially when there is good weather (and social distancing is not required)!
The word Sukkot is the plural of the Hebrew word sukkah, meaning booth or hut. The sukkah is reminiscent of the type of huts in which the ancient Israelites dwelt during their 40 years of wandering in the desert after the Exodus from Egypt.
The sukkah is a temporary building used for meals throughout the holiday. Some people even sleep in the sukkah. It can be built of any material, but its roof must be of organic material and partially open to the sky. The inside of the sukkah may be totally unornamented or lavishly decorated. Our CHJ community sukkah is made of treated wood two by fours, with lattice for the sides and roof. It is simple enough to assemble that the children are able to put on the sides and roof themselves. It is beautifully decorated with fresh fruits & vegetables, flowers, and handmade paper chains.