Passover, one of the oldest and most popular of the Jewish holidays, celebrates the ideal of human freedom in a setting of family unity and love. Passover or “Pesach” takes place on the full moon of the first month of the Hebrew calendar, at the beginning of spring in Israel. Our ancestors left Egypt by the light of the full moon. In the long wandering that took them out of bondage and eventually to the promised land, our people began a new life, just as the earth begins anew each spring. This year, we will recommit to our responsibility to protect the stranger, the poor, and the vulnerable.
The Haggadah, which means “the telling,” is the guidebook for the retelling of the Exodus story. The word Seder, meaning “order,” refers to the structure of the service.
Click Here or the image at right to download CHJ’s 2023 Haggadah.
2023 Passover Hagaddah
April 6, 2023 Family Passover Seder
About forty CHJers and their guests enjoyed a fabulous Seder in a private room at the Circle Diner in Fairfield. Led by Emily Shufrin and Steve Reisburg, everyone got to read a passage from the up-to-date Haggadah that touched on contemporary themes. All sang along with Emily Shufrin, asking the ‘four questions” and singing the songs we all know and love.
The delicious meal followed, with a choice of three entrees, beginning with the winningest matzoh balls yet and ending with a slice of flourless chocolate cake.
Thank you Steve Reisburg for spearheading this event and to all who helped make it great. Here are some photos to remind you of the event.