Women’s Rap

Member's Residence Fairfield

Come join other CHJ women to talk about a topic to be chosen at the meeting. It's a great way to get to know one another. This month will be held  at a member's residence. Watch the listserv for the address.

Shabbat Program – Mizrahi Jews


Guest speaker will be Jennifer Mizrahi. She will tell us about Mizrahi Jews. She is a public speaker having spoken on various topics. We expect this to be an interesting and informative session. Looking forward to seeing you all then, Watch the listserv for the zoom link. For the Programming Committee Previn

Jewish-Ukrainian History and Ukraine’s Current Crisis


Jewish Children’s Folkshul is proud to host an important community presentation on January 26, 2024, from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM, featuring Ilya Knizhnik, a key figure in the Jewish-Ukrainian diaspora. The event, available both in-person at Folkshul in Philadelphia and via webinar, invites students (grades 5 through 12), adults, and the broader community to Continue Reading »

Shabbat Candle Lighting

Zoom opens at 6:30pm just to kibbutz. At 7pm we light candles with a  short service. We listen to music and short lectures. Watch for the Zoom link on the listserv Friday afternoon.

Forum on Israel and Anti-Semitism

Member's Residence Fairfield

These groups are organized by Loretta Jay, Michelle Tomarkin and Jessica Wolf for CHJ members to have a safe place to talk about Israel, anti-Semitism and other related topics and how we are affected. See listserv for venue. RSVP  forum@humanistcjews.org.

Shabbat Candle Lighting

+1 more

Zoom opens at 6:30pm just to kibbutz. At 7pm we light candles with a  short service. We listen to music and short lectures. Watch for the Zoom link on the listserv Friday afternoon.

TuBshvat Seder and Potluck Luncheon


Join us for a joyful Seder & Pot Luck Luncheon with songleader Adam Feder Eat traditional foods provided by CHJ and enjoy different flavors (pot luck lunch) and celebrate the New Year of Trees. What to bring: Pot luck luncheon dishes: Last names starting with A-M please bring salads, fruit or side dishes; and N-Z Continue Reading »

Men’s Rap


Come and join us for kibbitzing and noshing. Noshing starts at 9:30am. Meeting at 10am. RSVP - mensrap@humanisticjews.org Watch the liserserv for venue.    

Board Meeting

+1 more

We will begin work on the year's programs and any activities of specific interest. Please send me subjects of interest you wish the Board to consider in order to prepare the agenda.  Open to all CHJ members. Request the Zoom link from Previn Patel.    

Shabbat Candle Lighting

+1 more

Zoom opens at 6:30pm just to kibbutz. At 7pm we light candles with a  short service. We listen to music and short lectures. Watch for the Zoom link on the listserv Friday afternoon.

Book Club – All Other Nights by Dara Horn


Based on real personalities such as Judah Benjamin, the Confederacy’s Jewish secretary of state and spymaster, and on historical facts and events ranging from an African American spy network to the dramatic self-destruction of the city of Richmond, All Other Nights is a gripping and suspenseful story of men and women driven to the extreme Continue Reading »

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